I’m making it.

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I’m making it.

Making a music demo all by yourself for the first time is a bit scary. But it can be incredibly freeing.

I have made music with other people at different times in my life. In the last couple years I have worked on two projects with other musicians, here in Everett, where I live, and remotely with a Brazilian friend. Both experiences, albeit brief, added a lot to my arsenal. Before covid, I never thought I would be back to music, and all of a sudden I was doing it again, and even more seriously than before. Feeling confident enough to create something all by myself in a territory I have never walked alone is incredibly empowering, and I am loving every minute of it. It’s totally mine: my influences, my sound, my imaginary.

Fortuna, my first demo EP, is inspired by the 10th tarot arcanum, The Wheel of Fortune, a theme I have been meaning to explore for years. It is going to have five songs, all of them already written. Some started with plain experimentation with all the electronic resources at hand and became bigger. One of them is Saturn Return, which started with me sitting on the couch and playing on BandLab.

Here’s a little teaser (not part of the official video clip, but some borrowed footage by Matthew Buck for another clip I am currently working on. I just thought it fit.):